Our Services

Smart decisions for financial peace of mind and security.
Secure your retirement. Financial expertise for any portfolio


  • Bonds
  • Common Stock
  • Educational IRA
  • Traditional IRA
  • Roth IRA
  • Simple IRA
  • Brokerage Accounts
  • Treasury Bills
  • Government Securities
  • Treasury Notes Variable Annuity

Financial Planning

  • Retirement Plans
  • Tax Plans
  • 401(k) Planning
  • 403(b) Planning
  • College Plans
  • Estate Plans
  • Money Purchasing Plans
  • Profit Sharing Plans
  • Wealth Management


  • Disability Income Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Long-Term-Care Insurance

Estate Planning

  • Will education
  • Powers of Attorney (POA)
  • Choosing executors
  • Designating beneficiaries
  • Minimizing estate taxes and probate fees
  • Estate protection

Learn more about what we do

Our Vision

Recent Blog Posts

Have a vision? Let's make a plan.

Financial planning can feel complicated and daunting. A lot of folks feel like financial planners are only for wealthy people with big portfolios and lots of assets that need to be managed. But financial planners are for everyone, regardless of your stage of life or the amount of assets you have.

At Claris Financial, we know first-hand that having a plan is the key to future financial security, and we’re here to help you prepare. We want to help our clients make smart, informed decisions so that you can make your vision of a secure financial future for you and your loved ones a reality. 

When you work with us, we’ll help you get a clear picture of the life you want, a game plan to achieve it and a dedicated partner alongside you for the journey.

The simplest ideas can sometimes make a massive difference over time.

The market is as unpredictable as the weather. We’re here to help you be ready.

Our team can make sure you have everything you need to know when the market experiences volatility. A retirement strategy developed with a financial planner has market volatility factored in. As your financial planning partner, we will be at your side to make any adjustments and help you make informed decisions along the way. Our goal is to help you pursue your goals. 

Find out more about what services we offer at Claris Financial.

Our Services

Let’s run the numbers.

As a team, our reasons for becoming financial professionals are deeply personal. 

We have seen too many of our own friends and family struggle to access the help they needed to map out their financial future. We believe that everyone in our communities should have access to expert financial planning advice. So that you can live well and have complete peace of mind about your finances during retirement.

Our understanding of personal finance, combined with our training as financial professionals, can help people be prepared with confidence for their financial future.

We have a deep commitment to our community to help everyone bring their financial visions to life.

Grow and preserve your wealth

We understand the many challenges of retirement today and know that the biggest concern for many is outliving their money. 

Right from the start, we focus on money management and setting up solid financial habits that are critical to your long-term financial well-being.

Whether you are young and single, just married, thinking about retirement, preparing to transition to retirement or are already retired, we can help. 

We’ll take the mystery out of financial planning and set you up for a secure and confident financial future.

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