Our Services

Smart decisions for financial peace of mind and security.
Secure your retirement. Financial expertise for any portfolio


  • Bonds
  • Common Stock
  • Educational IRA
  • Traditional IRA
  • Roth IRA
  • Simple IRA
  • Brokerage Accounts
  • Treasury Bills
  • Government Securities
  • Treasury Notes Variable Annuity

Financial Planning

  • Retirement Plans
  • Tax Plans
  • 401(k) Planning
  • 403(b) Planning
  • College Plans
  • Estate Plans
  • Money Purchasing Plans
  • Profit Sharing Plans
  • Wealth Management


  • Disability Income Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Long-Term-Care Insurance

Estate Planning

  • Will education
  • Powers of Attorney (POA)
  • Choosing executors
  • Designating beneficiaries
  • Minimizing estate taxes and probate fees
  • Estate protection

Learn more about what we do

At Claris Financial, we know that securing your retirement is one of the biggest goals. 

We don’t believe that anyone should ever be overlooked for expert financial advice and that everyone can start and grow a portfolio with confidence.

Our team works with everybody who wants to set themselves and their loved ones up with a secure future.

We would love to hear from you, regardless of the size of your assets, and even if you don’t have any assets yet.

At Claris Financial Advisors our comprehensive financial planning process begins and ends with you. 

We want to know what is important to you and take the time to understand all of your concerns so that we can build you the most effective financial strategy to help you achieve your goals.

Once we have agreed that we will be a good financial planning partner for you, the process will begin.

  1. Choose your team 
  2. Gather information
  3. Analyze Data
  4. The team makes recommendations
  5. Make decisions and implement them based on the recommendations
  6. Provide periodic reviews based on your changing situation

Asset Management

Get peace of mind asset management knowing that your robust, diverse portfolio that is tailored specifically to your investment personality is being managed on an ongoing basis by professionals who have researched the best solutions for your specific situation.

Asset management is most effective when succeeded by our financial planning process.

We will:

  1. Gather your pertinent financial data
  2. Identify your needs, goals, constraints and unique circumstances
  3. Discuss investment philosophy and money management approach
  4. Develop a frame of reference regarding investment performance
  5. Define investment objective
  6. Determine breadth and degree of portfolio diversification
  7. Design portfolio and allocate assets
  8. Provide ongoing review of your portfolio and recommend revisions as needed